Divinfood partner of Forgotten Cereals Day (Toulouse, France)
On June 8, the Forgotten Cereals Day (Journée des Céréales Oubliées in french) was held, organized by the PURPAN engineering school, in partnership with DIVINFOOD and Myco3C.
In the morning, the 60 participants visited the test areas for old varieties of wheat (30 varieties, including 10 poulard wheat, 19 Einkorn and 1 Emmer wheat) grown under the DIVINFOOD and Myco3C projects.
This was an opportunity to discuss with a varied audience the challenges of participatory landraces evaluation, the characteristics of the growing environment, ecosystem services, etc. The meal prepared for lunch included pasta made from Einkorn and Rivet wheats – enjoyed by the participants!
The afternoon was devoted to four workshops on minor cereals, led by DIVINFOOD and Myco3C: “varietal choice”, “product marketing”, “recipes and new products”, and “agro-ecological production systems” – all lively and very interesting discussions.
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