User guide/tutorial to use digital tools for open governance/community management. This guide aims to facilitate community management and open governance within DIVINFOOD’s Living Labs through the use of digital tools, as well as to create and sustain networks of actors around these Living Labs. To this end, it first seeks to provide an overview (not exhaustive) of the key digital tools available for community management support, highlighting their main features, strengths, and weaknesses, in order to enable each of the Living Labs to select the most suitable tools for their needs. The document then focuses on proposing practical tutorials for accomplishing essential tasks in community engagement (organizing discussion groups, creating mailing lists, voting on decisions, scheduling meetings, etc.). Beyond DIVINFOOD’s members, it can be a resource for all actors involved in the facilitation of community management and open governance – so, do not hesitate to share.
“Roadmaps to organise on-field training workshops and demonstration days” provides a generic and pragmatic route towards the organization of on–field training workshops and demonstration days. The roadmap can be used for planning both on–field training and demonstration days for food consumers, farmers, and boards of directors across the country, and it can be used when different aspects are brought into focus, e.g., growing food crops and preparing food. Roadmaps considered in this report include elements such as timeline, social context, location, organisation of a programme, announcement, and communication. Finally, there is also mention of aspects to consider one to two weeks before the event, at the event and after the official programme is announced. The roadmap will be illustrated by examples and pictures from different types of events held in Denmark by Innovation Centre for Organic Farming. The roadmaps are applicable in European countries, depending on structures in the given country, e.g., the relation between the farmers, advisory services, and different stakeholders.
“White paper for food chains actors for using agrobiodiversity, listing consumer expectations and aversions” is intended to guide innovation and research in the development of food chains valuing agrobiodiversity, with a special attention to neglected and underutilised crops (NUCs). It is addressed to the DIVINFOOD consortium, and to all value chain actors, development services, policy-makers, researchers and consumer-citizens concerned by the use of agrobiodiversity in food chains. It presents the methodology and the results of i) an online survey implemented in the 7 European countries of the DIVINFOOD project, in which citizen-consumers have been invited to judge different options to use cultivated biodiversity in food chains; ii) focus groups in specific regions in which a focus has been done on NUCs. Results are synthesised through recommendations for DIVINFOOD members, and for all concerned actors.
“Methodology to elaborate a consumption white paper” is intended to guide the implication of consumers, considered as citizens, in the decisions relative to the development of food chains. It is addressed to the DIVINFOOD consortium, and to all value chain actors, development services, policy-makers, researchers or citizen associations seeking methods to make consumer-citizens decision-makers in their innovation, policy or research activities concerning food chains. The document first reviews inspiring approaches for involving citizens in developing recommendations on potentially complex topics, used in the agriculture and food sector. Second, it describes the methodology developed in DIVINFOOD to elaborate a white paper, which can be replicated or adapted in other contexts.
“Framework for LL facilitation and data production” is intended for all Living Labs and all DIVINFOOD project partners. This document provides a framework to situate LLs’ definition and contribution to the overall aim of the DIVINFOOD project. It orients LL coordinators throughout the setting up and development of living lab interactions, experiments and data collection. It also suggests tools to support LL facilitation and interactions at local level.
Repertoire of local farms and farming systems using NUCs in agroecology : Deliverable 3.1 “Repertoire of local farms and farming systems using NUCs in agroecology” aims to collect experiences and data on farms growing neglected and underutilised crops (NUCs) and using agroecological practices in 7 European countries, including the 9 Living Lab regions of the DIVINFOOD project. It highlights NUCs agronomic performances addressed with farmers and experts. The considered NUCs are minor cereals and legumes (see Table 1). This document is based on farm and expert interviews conducted in all Living Labs (LLs) regions of the DIVINFOOD project using the same methodology, literature review, national and European level statistical data and secondary data from previous research projects. The report also includes information from grey literature, extension material, and ongoing projects. This information was firstly summarised at LL region level and secondly used to draw up a comprehensive repertoire of NUC farms across Europe, highlighting the diversity of farm types, with a particular focus on the regions where the 9 DIVINFOOD LLs are located.
Repertoire of technical and organisational solutions for pre-processing stages : Deliverable D3.6 “Repertoire of technical and organisational solutions for the pre-processing stages” aims to list and describe technical and organisational solutions adapted to the pre-processing of minor cereals and legumes, as examples of neglected and underutilised crops (NUCs), and to present avenues for co-development and mutualisation of equipment between farmers. To achieve this, a documentary search was carried out to benchmark the pre-processing techniques and equipment generally used on farms for minor cereals or legumes. To complement this documentary search, interviews with experts and farmers conducted in the DIVINFOOD project to compile experience and data on NUCs performance were reviewed to highlight the pre-processing techniques and organisational solutions implemented in the DIVINFOOD Living Labs regions, and innovative solutions were described (mobile cleaning unit, self-build equipment). In addition, the partners were involved in experimenting with the co-development and sharing of pre-processing equipment between farmers in 3 of the project’s living labs (Cer-Occ, Leg-Nord, Faba-Nord). This deliverable presents the results of these sub-tasks, both dedicated to supporting farmers using NUCs and to contributing to the setting up of territorial networks around agrobiodiversity.
Evaluation of DIVINFOOD Management tools and procedures : The deliverable 7.4 aims to evaluate DIVINFOOD management tools and procedures developed by the coordination and the project management team from INRAE and INRAE Transfert (IT), in order to improve the DIVINFOOD management and ensure maximum efficiency of the related processes and tools. Items evaluated in this report include internal communication, the collaborative workspace, the reporting process, the deliverable and milestone process, meeting organisation, day-to-day assistance and more general questions about DIVINFOOD management and coordination. Evaluation is based on feedbacks collected via an online survey of all DIVINFOOD partners using the tools and procedures put in place for this project.
“Report on NUCs agronomic performances in specific environments of the first selected varieties (season 1&2)” aims to present the results of the on-farm trials carried out in the 9 Living Labs of the DIVINFOOD project in season 1 (2022-2023) and season 2 (2023-2024). DIVINFOOD focuses on 16 legumes and minor cereals that are NUCs (Neglected and Underutilised Crops) in the partner countries, and considers a wide range of biophysical and socioeconomic environments. This report is primarily based on the on-farm trials carried out during the first two seasons of the DIVINFOOD project but national statistics on the agronomic performance of NUCs have also been collected in 7 European countries to provide a comprehensive picture and state of the art of NUC production.
The Deliverable 6.4 “First set of practice abstracts” reports a first collection of the DIVINFOOD’s tested practices and approaches, as summarised by Partners.This compendium of 20 practice abstracts (PAs) offers a glimpse of the DIVINFOOD’s activities carried out in the partners’ countries and across the 7 project’s Living Labs, highlighting technical and conceptual approaches to the valorisation of neglected and underutilised crops (NUCs) in value chains and consumption.