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Catalogue of varieties
of neglected and underutilised cereals and legumes



This catalogue presents and geolocates the varieties of neglected and under-utilised cereals and legumes used and/or preserved in the living labs of three countries (France, Italy and Portugal). This is the first stage of a catalogue that will be developed on a European scale and for more species, thanks to contributions from users and guardians of agrobiodiversity.

Hereafter you will find :

  • A list of varieties of interest of 6 crops used in France, Italy and Portugal, with detailed characteristics provided by DIVINFOOD partners.
    • Legumes: Common Bean (Lingot bean, Meat bean), White Lupin, Grass pea
    • Minor cereals: Einkorn, Rivet wheat

You want to add and describe another variety of interest for these crops ? Please use the contact form: Here

  • An interactive, freely accessible map locating farmers in the three countries using these varieties in specific environments that are described (climate-soil, cropping system, pre-processing techniques) and interested in sharing their experience. 

More broadly, the map presents a variety of public bodies (biological resource centres, research stations, agricultural colleges, etc.), farmers’ groups, private companies and citizens’ associations that preserve, cutivate and/or sell varieties of these crops in Europe and, depending on the case, make seeds accessible, with their contacts. Although some map users have not elaborate their information about their varieties of crops and environment conditions online, they are open to exchange on their conditions and can be contacted through email. 

You are a farmer or gardener who would like to share your experience of using varieties of neglected cereals or legumes? Register on the map! You will be free to modify or delete the information you have provided at any time. Click here to register.

You represent or know a public institute, a seed company or an association that preserves, tests, offers or sells varieties of minor cereals and/or legumes? Register the organisation on the map! Click here.


Varieties of interest

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